Monday, December 10, 2007

Price Negotiability

Earlier in the summer, I learned a lesson about buying mattresses. Mattress prices are negotiable. This was not an obvious, advertised fact, but rather was learned through careful listening to the salesman (yes, that is politically correct - they were all men). I suggest trying to negotiate the price of whatever you're buying if your salesperson does any of the following:

  • Tells you there is a sale when no sale signs are posted.
  • Mentions a special discount for you.
  • Offers to throw in something free.
  • Offers to take off tax, fees, etc. when you mention they're high.
  • ...and of course, offers to drop the price if you allude that it's out of your range.
By their very nature, you're more likely to find negotiation possible on high-margin goods, such as mattresses, cars, jewelry, and furniture. This is because the high margin allows for a reduction in price, while still preserving some profit (just not as much).

Question to the audience1: What other products have you been able to negotiate a better price for?

1Do I have readers? This is still an open question.

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